Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday-9-28-09 very windy & Cool 53 out!

Hi, I know it has been a long time since I have Posted still not doing very good, but did want to say whoever is praying for me I can feel them prayers, so I thank you from the Bottom of my heart.. and ask u if u will still keep praying for me, I also have a U T Ifection, this is my third round of antibotics and still hurts when I go, I go back to the in a week. Take Care, Have a Great Day~


  1. I will keep praying. Keep drinking lots of fluids and remember little tiny baby steps still get you going in the right direction and moving right?

  2. Hang in there, and I agree with Katie J. Little by little take baby steps and before you know it you've made huge leaps.
