Hello my Blogging friends, I just checked this blog, and my heart is so warm and overwhleming that you are praying for me. that is so Awesome,and makes me feel there are people out there that really care and take you for who you are. I guess I havn't been blogging much on this blog as I have been feeling so defeated and I know that is not the way to look at things. I know God is by my side all the time. Thank you again for praying for me, I sure appricate that.
I have been thinking a lot about you!!! I know how you feel and want you to know I am here for you! Feel free to email me at jasper_katie@yahoo.com if you ever want to vent or share. We can do this and with our faith WE can PERSEVERE!! Remember that God created you for HIS purpose and he LOVES you and only wants what is best for you! HE will give you strength! Take Care of yourself <3