Hi, You guys make all sound like you got it going on, I am still struggling to get to first base, I have had a few good days, But not many....Debi u did a good job on your pg. Looks good. We came home for dinner after church we usually go to Empire wok, or something like that. We had Pot Roast, Red Taters, and Carrots, Ron put in the Crock pot before we left for church this morning. And Grands which is a No No, But I did have Spray Butter, that should count for something. Right? LOL. I thought you would agree.Right Now , I took some Fiber Tablets, and they feel like they are stuck in my Thoart, So trying to wash them done with Animal Crackers, Ron got them, and he got them with the frosting on.. I know we have more Power in us than we think,(or I think)
click your heels together 3 times there is no place like home, there is no place like home, there is no Place like home" and then say to yourself I know that I can do this, I know that I can do this, I know I can do this!
You can do it, You can do it, You can do it!